Friday, December 29, 2006

As I walk around I wonder........

Well, well ......... what can I say? The situation is pretty tense in the world and I'll "present" my yearly (once a year that is, or more often if i will) view on this topic: people are dying like flies in Darfur (Sudan), Iraq, Somalia (extra in the past days), and Afghanistan + the usual CNN-news: hunger & Aids in Africa, melting ice caps, human rights in China, blah, blah, blah and WHAT ABOUT THAT?
Nothing!!Yeah, totally and absolutely NOTHING! No one gives a fuck ( to put a side a percent or two of population like all kinds of a leftist and anarchy youths, university departments of foreign politics, high politicians (yeah - they "really" give a fuck) and all those members of a "help the poor and third world countries" organisations) : in the countries that can do something about this (USA and EU). The everyday citizen of these countries are more interested about taxes and usually everyday things like "gee where are my socks?Oi!In the freezer beside the gun" or what ever! So my advice to all the dudes in the need is...: help your self!!!Don't wait fucking UN or whatever 'cause you can, like, die in the meantime or something! Yeah, that's my solution: DO IT YOURSELF!

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