Sunday, December 24, 2006

X-mas Special

Yes Folks! X-mas is hear again (+ Hanuka)! Well - for me (being a bit of an atheist) the best part is all those x-mas specials : comic specials (like the legendary " Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special " on the picture from 1991), movie specials (rememeber The Bad Santa, 2003 ?He,he,he...) on Tv, big sailoffs att the locals shops and loads of cookies and stuff. Thats what x-mas is all about: eating (optional) with a family, comics and movies (throw in a beer or two :-)!
P.S. And a thousand greatings for that old flying communist in the sky!!! (I'm referring to, affcourse, the flying red-coated dude - a.k.a Santa / Santa Claus / Djeda Mraz etc, etc)

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